All HESD schools will be closed tomorrow, Nov. 8th.

Summer Office Hours:
August 5th, 2024 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM AND
August 6th, 2024 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM.
Office Reopens with Regular Hours:
August 7th, 2024 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM.
School Resumes
August 21st, 2024. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Skate Night - Thursday May 30th.
It's the last HBS skating event of the year. Our skating party is Thursday form 6-8:30 PM at skating Plus in Ventura. Come and skate with all your Beach friends while we raise funds for our school!!
See you all there!

Hollywood Beach Families,
We will have Parent/Teacher conferences May 6-10.
Early Dismissal Schedule during conferences:
TK/K 12:00 PM
1st-3rd 1:10 PM
4th-6th 1:15 PM
The SHINE program will continue with their regular hours.

Welcome back to school, Pelicans! We are so excited to start a great, new school year with you! - Come by the school office to pick up your first day packet and schedule on 8/16 & 8/17, from 4-6 PM. - First day of school is 8/22 - class starts at 8 AM. - Remember your completed 1st Day Packet, and charged device (returning students) See you soon - enjoy the summer!

6th Grade Promotion: June 16 - Gates open at 8:45 AM, Ceremony starts at 9:00 AM. Please join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our sixth graders as they complete their HBS careers and move on to JHS!

Kinder Promotion - 6/6/23 - Gates open at 10:15 AM, Ceremony at 10:30 AM. Come and help us celebrate our tiniest Pelicans as they move on to the next big leap in their academic careers!

HBS Drama Presents A Night of Broadway! June 8th, 5:30 PM, Beach Cafeteria. Join us for a night of acting, singing, and dancing by our After School Program students!

The Hollywood Beach Spring Spirit Wear Sale is live! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You'll save 25% off the entire site! New product lines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/13043.

HBS Spring Pictures - Thursday, March 2! Send no cash - link will be sent home to choose pics after photos are taken. Smile, Pelicans!

Hey Pelican Families! Want to see all the fun happening on campus? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated!

HBS Spiritwear Sale! All full-zip hoodies on sale $10 off. Shop now!

Reminder: 6th Grade Science Camp Zoom Meeting tonight at 6 PM. Join us to speak with a Camp Coordinator and find out about all the learning and fun! https://hueneme-org.zoom.us/j/82961251053?pwd=dFFTZW1tUUpKZmo0YWpNN2c2Q1pnUT09

HESD Community: For brief highlights and happenings around HESD, please read this week's Hueneme Channel: https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

HESD Community: For brief highlights and happenings around HESD, please read this week's Hueneme Channel: https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Hi Beach Families! Here's the latest edition of The Pelican's Perch newsletter!
Enjoy! https://www.smore.com/h0kqe #HBSPride #HESDPride

Happy Labor Day Weekend, Pelicans! Thanks for a wonderful start to our year. Remember, there's no school on Monday. Your Hollywood Beach Family wishes you and your family a restful and relaxing three day weekend! #HBSPride #HESDPride #HappyLaborDay

Hey, Beach Fams, get your Pelican Spirit Wear now! This is the final week of the Hollywood Beach School back-to-school sale! Save 30% on everything in our store. Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days. Don't miss it! Visit https://1stplace.sale/13043.

HESD Community: For brief highlights and happenings around HESD, please read this week's Hueneme Channel: https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Welcome back, Pelican Families! School starts tomorrow, August 25, at 8 AM. Please see "Useful inks" on the website for arrival and dismissal times and map, bus schedule and more! Remember to charge your device and bring it to school! We're so excited - see you tomorrow, Beach Fams! #HBSPride #HESDPride #Back-to-School